Customer Onboarding Plan Template

Improve onboarding outcomes with a word-class customer onboarding plan – design a comprehensive, clear, and engaging plan for your clients.

Customer Onboarding Plan Template

About this template

Enhance customer experiences with our meticulously crafted Customer Onboarding Plan Template. This template showcases your ability to address clients' needs and deliver personalized solutions while ensuring a seamless onboarding process.

Engage your clients and demonstrate your commitment to their success with a well-structured, clear, and captivating onboarding plan. Our Customer Onboarding Plan Template is designed to effectively communicate your approach to client integration, fostering trust and driving higher satisfaction rates for your business.

What's included?

  • Intro
  • Training summary with videos
  • Getting started resources
  • Calendar embed
  • Helpful links
  • Contact information

About the author

Tania Clarke, Head of Product Marketing

Tania Clarke|Head of Product Marketing

Tania heads up product marketing at Qwilr – looking after positioning, sales enablement, competitor intelligence and more. Tania brings experience from former roles at high growth startups like Atlassian and Safety Culture.

A customer onboarding plan is a step-by-step strategy or process designed to help new customers get started with a product or service. The ultimate goal of a customer onboarding plan is to ensure customer success, reduce churn rate, and enhance customer lifetime value. By utilizing a business proposal software, companies can efficiently create and manage these onboarding plans, ensuring a professional, cohesive, and tailored approach that meets the unique needs of each customer, thereby fostering long-term relationships and satisfaction.

Here are some elements that could be included in an effective customer onboarding plan:

  1. Welcome Email or Communication: The onboarding process often starts with a welcome email or communication, introducing the new customer to the product or service.
  2. Setting up the Account: Depending on the nature of the product or service, this step might involve helping the customer set up their account, guiding them through any necessary configurations, or providing resources for self-setup.
  3. Product/Service Walkthrough: A guided tour of the product or service can be very helpful for the customer to understand the functionalities and operations. This could be in the form of a video, webinar, or even a live walkthrough.
  4. Training and Education: Provide resources such as how-to guides, FAQs, video tutorials, etc., to educate customers on how to get the most value from your product or service.
  5. Check-ins and Follow-ups: Regular follow-ups or check-ins during the initial period of usage can help ensure that customers are having a smooth experience and aren't encountering any challenges. This could be done through automated emails, phone calls, or in-app messages.
  6. Feedback: Ask for feedback after a set period to understand how the onboarding process could be improved. This could also provide insights into any difficulties the customer might be facing.

Customer onboarding is a crucial process that sets the tone for the entire customer relationship and ensures a positive experience from the start. It plays a significant role in your overall customer acquisition strategy. A well-designed customer onboarding plan provides new customers with the necessary support, communication, and attention to make the process smooth and seamless.

The primary goal of a customer onboarding plan is to help new customers quickly realize the value of your product or service. By reducing the time it takes for them to see the benefits, you can increase customer retention rates and ultimately drive higher profits for your business.

To effectively onboard new customers, it's important to have a tailored plan that meets their specific needs. This plan should facilitate a quick and easy transition, providing the required support and attention. By doing so, you make customers feel valued and appreciated, fostering long-term loyalty and encouraging repeat business.

There are numerous benefits to using a customer onboarding plan. These include:

  • Faster time-to-value - With a well-established onboarding plan, new customers can quickly get started with your products/services, getting value from them sooner and staying engaged for longer periods of time.
  • Increase customer retention - When you take care of new customers through the onboarding process, they are more likely to be satisfied with the experience and continue doing business with you.
  • Better customer experience - By providing clear guidance and support, your customers can have an enhanced experience of the product or service, which could increase the likelihood of word-of-mouth referrals.

Here's a quick video overview of how to get started with this template:

The following is a high-level overview of how the customer onboarding plan template can be used. It is recommended that businesses customize this template based on their customers' unique needs and experiences.

  1. Understand your customer demographics - Identify who your target audience is, their goals, frustrations, and how you can help address their concerns.
  2. Determine customer milestones - Map out critical milestones within the onboarding process, including delivery, implementation, and ongoing support requirements.
  3. Align team members and resources - Understand which teams and resources will be involved in the onboarding process.
  4. Create a communication and support plan - Determine which communication channels you will use to engage with customers, how often, and what form these engagements will take.
  5. Set expectations - Be transparent about what new customers should expect during the onboarding process, as well as what they will need to do to engage with the product or service.
  6. Monitor progress and adjust - Regularly monitor the progress of new customers through the onboarding process and make adjustments as necessary to ensure continued engagement and satisfaction with the product or service.

A tool packed with features

Brand control

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Collect payments instantly from customers with Stripe or direct to your own payment system.

Security & GDPR

Add security features like password protection and link expiry to protect sensitive content.

Embedded content

Add Calendly links, videos, surveys, Looms, GIFs and more to every page.


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Asset library

Create a library of reusable content for sales reps.

ROI calculator

Showcase your value with an interactive ROI calculator embedded in your Qwilr pages.

Team management

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Interactive pricing

Empower buyers with interactive pricing plans and quotes.

Frequently asked questions

The following steps can be utilized for creating an effective onboarding plan:

  1. Define Goals and Objectives - Start by setting goals and objectives for the onboarding process.
  2. Build Customer Personas - Understand the demographics and pain points of your target customer, and adjust the onboarding plan accordingly.
  3. Map the Onboarding Journey - Identify critical customer touchpoints throughout the onboarding process and use these touch points to create a plan of activities for each stage guided by clear metrics.
  4. Determine Roles and Responsibilities - Identify essential teams and their roles in facilitating the customer onboarding plan. Ensure there is alignment between the whole support team and your customers' goals.
  5. Create Content and Communications - Develop resources and messaging for each stage of the plan, and identify channels, frequency, and messaging.
  6. Measure and Assess - Use key metrics to gauge the effectiveness of the onboarding process and make adjustments according to customer feedback.

Customer onboarding checklist is like a to-do list for the onboarding process. It's a list of specific steps that new customers should be taken through so they can receive maximum value from your product/service. A checklist will help to ensure that new customers receive all the necessary support and engagement they'll need to effectively engage with the product/service.

The following are key steps to creating a customer onboarding framework:

  1. Conduct Research - Understand why customers use your product or service, and how they interact with it to identify potential bottlenecks in their experience.
  2. Define milestones - Identify key milestones in the onboarding process, such as the first interaction, initial training, etc.
  3. Create a framework for each milestone - Establish steps, resources, and messaging for each milestone, and track the customer's progress in real-time.
  4. Conduct Regular Review and Adjustment - Continuously monitor and measure the effectiveness of the framework, making necessary adjustments as required to ensure optimal customer engagement and positive outcomes.