Discovery Follow Up Template

Progress deals from discovery to close with Alexine Mudawar’s Discovery Follow-Up Template.

Discovery Follow Up Template

About this template

A stellar discovery call means nothing if you don’t nail the follow-up.

We teamed up with Alexine Mudawar to create this Discovery Follow-Up Template. This resource will arm you with a framework for discovery follow-up that moves the deal forward.

Plus, with Alexine’s pro tips, you’ll not only understand 'what' to say and deliver but also the 'how' and 'why' behind this format, so you’re continually improving your craft.

What's included?

  • Overview
  • Big themes
  • Quote from champion
  • Case study
  • Next steps
  • Pro-tips from Alexine

About the author

Alexine Mudawar, CEO of Women in Sales

Alexine Mudawar|CEO of Women in Sales

Alexine Mudawar is the CEO of Women in Sales, a platform dedicated to elevating, empowering, and promoting women within the sales profession. Alexine is a seasoned professional, boasting over a decade of experience, numerous President’s Club awards, quarterly high achiever recognitions, and more.

Effective discovery follow-up is critical for carrying forward the momentum beyond initial discovery.

Many buyers are engaged during discovery, but their excitement can wear off when you try to push forward with your sales process, and proper due diligence and hard work are required on their end. Utilize Alexine’s Discovery Follow-Up Template to streamline your follow-up process and maintain engagement with potential buyers, powered by a sales proposal automation software.

Use Alexine’s Discovery Follow-Up Template to:

  1. Nail down the key themes you heard in discovery
  2. Highlight a quote from your champion to link their desired outcomes to current pain
  3. Showcase a relevant case study that demonstrates the impact your company’s product or service can have on their org
  4. Frame up next steps and who would need to be involved so you can agree on a clear action plan that ensures your deal moves forward.

As a seller, it can be hard to cut through the noise. Your buyer is faced with endless priorities, distractions, and responsibilities. Plus, it’s possible your buyer is evaluating other solutions.

One of the ways you can navigate this is with compelling sales collateral and actionable follow-up that makes your solution and team stand out. Furthermore, most purchasing decisions are made by a buying committee of 5-7 people, and there’s no guarantee you’ll get to meet face-to-face with each of these people in your sales cycle.

Qwilr gives you the peace of mind that when your champion passes your key sales assets to the broader buying committee, your solution leaves a lasting impression. Additionally, with Qwilr’s analytics, you can know when, who, and how your buying committee is engaging with your content and sales process.

Qwilr is a great fit for discovery follow up, and for your proposals and sales collateral more broadly.

With Qwilr, you can:

  1. Create interactive sales material that cuts through the noise. Send a single URL instead of endless revisions and long email threads with attachments.
  2. Empowers buyers to review, sign, and pay with one interactive page, designed to help you close deals with velocity.
  3. See what buyers are reading and clicking on and personalize your next touchpoint based on their behaviors.
  4. Create templates and asset libraries that automatically create sales material in one-click from a CRM.

Here's a quick video overview of how to get started with this template:

Using Qwilr's Discovery Follow-Up Template is simple and effective. Begin by selecting the template from the Qwilr library and customizing it to suit your needs. Add pertinent details from your discovery meeting, such as client requirements, pain points identified, and proposed solutions. Enhance the presentation with visuals like diagrams or illustrations to illustrate key concepts.

Next, personalize the follow-up message to reinforce your understanding of the client's needs and how your solution addresses them. Highlight any additional insights gained since the meeting and propose next steps or actions to move the process forward.

Once the template is tailored to your specific situation, share it seamlessly with your team or clients. Monitor engagement metrics to track interest and response, allowing you to refine your approach for future interactions and effectively guide the client through the sales process.

A tool packed with features

Brand control

Establish your brand settings once and automatically apply to every piece of collateral.


Collect payments instantly from customers with Stripe or direct to your own payment system.

Security & GDPR

Add security features like password protection and link expiry to protect sensitive content.

Embedded content

Add Calendly links, videos, surveys, Looms, GIFs and more to every page.


Get deals signed on the spot with built-in e-signing ability.

Asset library

Create a library of reusable content for sales reps.

ROI calculator

Showcase your value with an interactive ROI calculator embedded in your Qwilr pages.

Team management

Set up permissions so your team accesses only what they need.

Interactive pricing

Empower buyers with interactive pricing plans and quotes.

Frequently asked questions

Qwilr empowers sales teams to maximize their success throughout the sales cycle. The platform enables sellers to build customized proposals and sales assets quickly, easily, and always on-brand, addressing specific buyer needs to ensure confidence in their purchasing decisions.

Qwilr achieves this by transitioning sales teams from outdated and fragmented methods of selling to a seamless, web-based buyer experience that integrates with your CRM. This approach provides unique buyer insights, helping you make the most of every deal.