Enterprise Sales Template

Close large accounts with our enterprise sales proposal – create an impressive, persuasive, and tailored proposal in less time.

Preview of Enterprise Sales Template

About this template

Impress the entire buying committee and manage complex enterprise sales cycles with an interactive and easy-to-use Enterprise Sales template. Our template ensures a seamless buying experience, helping your sales representatives close complex deals and win more business.

What's included?

  • Product executive summary
  • Customer service overview
  • Customer case studies
  • Security and privacy compliance
  • Terms and conditions
  • Ability to accept and sign the terms
  • About the company
  • Contact us information

About the author

Steve Findley, Enterprise Account Executive

Steve Findley|Enterprise Account Executive

Steve is a Enterprise Account Executive at Qwilr, looking after business development and relationships with some of our largest customers. Steve helps clients move away from fragmented sales processes to a virtual sales experience that's always-on.

Simply put, enterprise sales is the process of selling your products and services to larger corporations. The enterprise sales process involves extended B2B sales cycles and multiple stakeholders, helping sales teams negotiate high-value, complex deals with large companies. Although there are various methodologies that are applicable for enterprise sales, there are four stages you will find in most processes: Discovery, Diagnosis, Design, and Delivery.

  • Discovery: Sales reps gather as much information as possible about their prospects.
  • Diagnosis: Diagnose their prospect’s needs and identify potential pain points by asking the right questions. 
  • Design: Tailor a custom solution to your prospect’s large-scale business needs. 
  • Delivery: Close the deal and implement the solution based on the agreed-upon timeline. 

Remember, the key to success at every stage of the process is asking the right questions.

Chris Orlob, ex-VP of Sales at Gong.io, had the following to say:

Want to be a power-house negotiator? Ask better questions so you can: control the process, stay in control of the session, and get critical "deal closing" info.


One of Chris' questions we love is "If we agreed to that, what steps still remain?" This is a great question during the delivery stage to gauge where you're at in the negotiation and whether you need to cycle back to some further discovery, diagnosis or design with your champion.

The enterprise sales approach is suited for closing deals with larger corporations, typically in B2B industries. Enterprise-level deals are extremely common in the software industry, including solutions like CRMs, cybersecurity, and more. This sales approach, and our Qwilr template, has been specifically designed to streamline extended and complex sales cycles, helping sales representatives close bigger deals by getting to know their prospect in detail, with the assistance of custom proposal software.

Often the big difference with enterprise sales motions is the importance of building high trust relationships with multiple stakeholders in the buying committee – it’s unusual to have a one sole decision maker in ‘true’ enterprise sales scenarios.

The key to successful B2B sales is effective communication with stakeholders. Our Enterprise Sales template is designed to empower sales reps to engage with larger groups of stakeholders and build consensus on the problem space. With this template, your sales teams will be equipped to ask the right questions and identify enterprise-level prospects’ needs at every turn.

Our Enterprise Sales template is optimized for mobile devices and is an interactive document that aligns multiple stakeholders in a single place. By leveraging our template, your sales representatives can leverage techniques to close deals with extended sales cycles and scale your business accordingly.

Here's a quick video overview of how to get started with this template:

Our Enterprise Sales template is designed to simplify enterprise sales cycles. You can also book a demo if you are looking to get started with Qwilr and this template in particular.

  • Create a mutual action plan and drive buyer transparency with a page you can collaborate on and update without needing to send more attachments
  • Align multiple stakeholders within one, mobile-friendly and interactive document
  • Monitor buyer engagement and track every click through Qwilr analytics
  • Empower your sales team to eliminate unqualified prospects
  • Focus sales conversations on prospects that are qualified (i.e. higher motivation to buy)
  • Ability to embed further sales collateral, like videos or spreadsheets – avoid attachments and links getting lost in email chains.
  • Guide buyers through the sales process, while still empowering them to explore their options and upsell themselves
  • Embed security and compliance information for a safe, streamlined, and reliable sales process
  • Anticipate buyer needs by including security and compliance information to prevent the conversation from being stalled
  • Communicate the key point of contact and how customers can reach you

A tool packed with features

Brand control

Establish your brand settings once and automatically apply to every piece of collateral.


Collect payments instantly from customers with Stripe or direct to your own payment system.

Security & GDPR

Add security features like password protection and link expiry to protect sensitive content.

Embedded content

Add Calendly links, videos, surveys, Looms, GIFs and more to every page.


Get deals signed on the spot with built-in e-signing ability.

Asset library

Create a library of reusable content for sales reps.

ROI calculator

Showcase your value with an interactive ROI calculator embedded in your Qwilr pages.

Team management

Set up permissions so your team accesses only what they need.

Interactive pricing

Empower buyers with interactive pricing plans and quotes.

Frequently asked questions

Before implementing an enterprise sales motion, it’s essential to understand the unique challenges and opportunities presented by enterprise sales and whether it’s compatible with your broader go-to-market (GTM). At its core, the enterprise sales motion is a targeted B2B sales strategy that is completely tailored to meet the specific needs of larger corporations.

To effectively engage with enterprise-level clients, sales representatives must take a deliberate approach to building relationships. This involves taking the time to get to know the prospect and identify their pain points through a series of strategic questions. In the enterprise sales model, representatives must connect with multiple stakeholders, as purchasing decisions are typically made by committee.

By tailoring sales strategies to the unique needs of larger corporations, sales teams can better navigate complex purchasing processes and build stronger relationships with key decision-makers. As a result, companies can unlock new opportunities for growth and success in the B2B marketplace.

Typical enterprise sales cycles tend to last between six and 12 months, resulting in more profitable outcomes. With that being said, extended and complex B2B sales cycles can present unique challenges of their own to sales representatives, requiring buy-in from stakeholders with internal influence. As such, the average Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is significantly higher with enterprise sales, however, the payoff in terms of revenue is significantly greater than self-service, SMB (small-medium business), or mid-market sales motions.

An enterprise sales motion is an effective way to increase revenue because enterprise-level customers tend to have larger budgets and are willing to spend more on products and services that meet their needs.

By working with large-scale companies, the enterprise sales motion can help reduce churn rates because enterprise-level customers are often more stable and reliable than SMBs.

Plus, enterprise-level customers tend to have more complex and specific needs, the enterprise sales motion requires sales representatives to work closely with them to develop customized solutions that meet their requirements. This level of engagement can lead to improved customer satisfaction as they feel heard and valued by the company they are working with.

There are a few challenges when implementing the Enterprise Sales model. For one, the sales cycles are longer, fluctuating between six months and one year. Simply put, the longer it takes to close a deal, the more time the prospect has to run into roadblocks or get a deal shot down by a senior leader. Long sales cycles require leadership buy-in, alignment, and patience given it will take time to see results.

In addition, closing enterprise-level deals requires your sales representatives to communicate the value of the solution to multiple stakeholders – in many instances, up to 10 at a time, each with varied objectives and perspectives. Your sales team should be ready to handle any objections and be able to identify the stakeholders with the most internal influence. Enterprise-level deals require sales representatives to build credibility and influence at both the director and VP level, connecting with multiple decision-makers simultaneously.

Finally, implementing the enterprise sales process requires territory planning and significant client research. This will ultimately help organize your sales team’s efforts, ensuring your representatives are on the same page and do not outbound the same accounts.

Like with any sales strategy, there are a number of metrics your business can measure the success of its enterprise sales process. These include but are not limited to:

  • Closed Won Revenue: The total revenue generated from deals that have been successfully closed by the sales team.

  • Number of Closed Won Deals: The total number of deals that have been successfully closed by the sales team.

  • Win Rates: The percentage of deals that have been successfully closed out of the total number of deals in the pipeline.

  • Average Contract Value: The average value of a contract that is signed by the customer. This metric helps the sales team understand the typical deal size they can expect to close.

  • Expansion/Contraction/Retention: These metrics refer to different stages of the customer lifecycle. Expansion represents the growth of the customer’s business and their need for additional products/services. Contraction refers to a decrease in demand for products/services. Retention refers to the ability to keep customers over time.

  • Sales & Marketing Qualified Leads: Sales qualified leads (SQLs) are those prospects who have been identified by the sales team as having a high likelihood of converting into paying customers. Marketing qualified leads (MQLs) are those prospects who have shown interest in the company’s products/services but may not yet be ready to buy.

  • Sales Pipeline Volume & Multiple: The sales pipeline is the total value of all deals that the sales team is currently pursuing. Pipeline multiple refers to the ratio between the value of the pipeline and the quota assigned to the sales team.

  • Sales Velocity: A measure of how quickly deals are moving through the sales pipeline from initial contact to close. It is calculated by dividing the total revenue generated by the average length of the sales cycle.

When implementing an enterprise Sales motion, it is important to build a team that embraces the enterprise mindset. Typical enterprise sales teams include a sales director, account executives, solution engineers, customer success, and sales development or market development reps.

As enterprise-level deals involve longer sales cycles, between six and 12 months on average, each member of your sales team will have a key role to play throughout the four stages of this sales process. From prospecting and territory planning to identifying pain points and devising solutions, the Enterprise Sales process requires your team to work seamlessly with multiple stakeholders and decision-makers.