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New in Qwilr: Analytics - Interactions, a new timeline, and see who is viewing your pages

Tania Clarke|Updated May 8, 2024
a screenshot of a web page that says analytics on it

Back in February we announced big upgrades to Qwilr’s analytics that brings a whole new look, and more data available to track. We’re excited to share the next instalment of that upgrade.

Introducing Interactions ✨

This new tab brings a wealth of new data, including:

  • Identifying buyers: Monitor who is interacting with your Qwilr pages (note that only on Enterprise plans can you enable identity and identity verification)
  • Pricing and acceptance analytics: Identify friction in your buyer's journey
  • Content analytics: Monitor how buyers engage with your content

You’ll see a new timeline that brings the entire history of the page and all the interactions together. It will show things like:

  • When the page was first created
  • Page status changes (when the page goes from draft to live and is ultimately accepted or declined)
  • Pages viewed, who is viewing them (and where they're located)
  • Engagement level changes
  • More specific activity, such as whether or not a viewer interacted with a pricing quote or clicked on an ROI calculator
  • A detailed timeline that shows what each person has done during a session

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About the author

Tania Clarke, Head of Product Marketing

Tania Clarke|Head of Product Marketing

Tania heads up product marketing at Qwilr – looking after positioning, sales enablement, competitor intelligence and more. Tania brings experience from former roles at high growth startups like Atlassian and Safety Culture.