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Product polish: new ways to collaborate

Updated Nov 27, 2019
collaborate with your team - graphic

For many of us, work is becoming more collaborative than ever before. And that’s a good thing – when we work together, we reap the benefits of drawing on different perspectives and broader expertise, leading us to better results.

Whether it’s crafting the perfect pitch, creating a winning proposal, or putting together any document that goes out to the wider world, it always helps to get multiple viewpoints from across your team.

But with so many people involved, it can be hard to keep everyone on the same page. We know this firsthand from our experience working as a team, and we’ve also heard it from you.

That’s why we’ve spent much of our time these past few months making some key changes that will help you come together with coworkers.

Read on to learn more about what’s new, then invite your colleagues to join you in Qwilr. (Spoiler alert: we’ve got new ways for you to do that!)


A lot of collaboration happens asynchronously, in bits and pieces, as each person has time to contribute. This is especially true if you’re working on a distributed team like we do here at Qwilr.

Previously, working together on a Qwilr Page meant coordinating through email or Slack or leaving notes directly on the page, all of which could get messy, fast.

Enter comments – a way to leave notes, highlight areas for discussion, and seek specific feedback, smoothing out the back-and-forth that happens across teammates and time.

Enter comments

Note: We’re rolling out this feature in waves to customers over the next few weeks as we make more improvements. You'll be notified once it's available in your account.

Active viewers

Without guardrails, multiple people editing the same thing at the same time can lead to disaster. It’s easy to get confused, and amidst multiple conflicting updates, work ends up being overwritten and lost.

To avoid this potential clash, only one person at a time can edit a block in Qwilr. But previously, there was no way to know who was doing the editing, which could become frustrating if that person decided to, say, leave the editor open for a what seems like a long enough time for them to have climbed Mount Everest.

Now, when you open a page, you can see who else from your team is currently viewing it. Look for the initials in the top right corner. You’ll also see those same initials on any block currently undergoing changes.

Active viewers

Non-admin invite permissions

Previously, only admins could invite new users. So if you wanted to bring a coworker into Qwilr, you had to track down your admin and work with them to do it.

Now, creators can invite users, too. The default setting allows non-admins to invite any user with the same email domain. Admins can change these permissions to admins-only or remove the domain restriction to allow the team to invite anyone.

Non-admin invite permissions

New sharing options

Provided your admin has set invite permissions accordingly, you can now easily share pages with any collaborator – regardless of whether or not they already belong to your team account. Share and invite all in one step by clicking the “share team” icon from the top right of any page.

New sharing options

That's it for this month. We hope these changes will bring your team together to create better documents that move your business forward.

Collaborate in Qwilr